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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

World’s Coolest Intern

wow!!!!!!!!!very nice.......
why do i feel soooo cool enough to be the World’s Coolest Intern with Standard Chartered Bank for a 6-month internship programme and get paid SGD 30,000 for it. 

This is because i'm ready to get it!

 All of you sure want it too! With Standard Chartered Bank, i'll  do more challenging things that i was pretty sure look soo cool!

So, lets get it now....yeah!!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Maher Zain-Thank You ALLAH

I was so far from you
Yet to me you were always so close
I wandered lost in the dark
I closed my eyes toward the signs
You put in my way
I walked everyday
further and further away from you

Ooooo Allah, you brought me home
I thank you with every breath I take

الحمد لله الحمد لله
All praises to Allah

I never thought about
All the things you have given to me
I never thanked you once
I was too proud
to see the truth
And prostrate to you
Until I took the first step
And that's when you opened the doors for me
Now Allah, I realized what I was missing
By being far from you

الحمد لله
All praises to Allah

Allah, I wanna thank you
I wanna thank you for all the things that you've done
You've done for me through all my years I've been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
And did you give me hope

O Allah, I wanna thank you
I wanna thank you for all the things that you've done
You've done for me through all my years I've been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
I wanna thank you for bringing me home

الحمد لله
All praises to Allah

الحمد لله

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Thinnest Notebook

Dua komputer riba diperkenalkan oleh Syarikat komputer Apple Inc. California kelmarin hasil gabungan MacBook dan iPad menghasilkan MacBook Air yang kelihatan sgt fashionable dan stylo untuk dibawa kemana - mana saja.

MacBook Air

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Apple, Steve Jobs berkata semasa melancarkan: "Kami bertanya kepada diri sendiri, apa akan berlaku jika MacBook dan iPad digabungkan? Maka inilah hasilnya." iPad ialah komputer tablet keluaran Apple.

Menariknya komputer MacBook Air tidak boleh membaca cakera padat (CD) atau cakera padat digital (DVD). Ia hanya menggunakan memori flash seperti iPhone.

Harga MacBook Air nie tak jauh beza dengan barangan keluaran Apple yang lain setelah dikaji serba sikit mengenai nya. Pon begitu walau secanggih mana pon teknologi tu tetap ada kekurangan nya. Dengar nya, connectivity dia jugak terbatas. BEtul ker?

Kalau nak taw, cuba laa!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Assalamualaikum,,,,,..Thanx to ctot safiyah sebab bagi dorongan tok saya tok wat blog nih masih dalam pembikinan.......memerlukan tunjuk ajar daripada orang2 yang otai dalam  berblogging.......sebab terlalu boring di malam hari jugak mendorong tok saya wat macam nih.......sekian terima kasih........